UN General Assembly Adopts Resolution on Annual United Nations Games


The United Nations General Assembly, at its 107th plenary meeting of the 78th session, adopted by consensus a resolution entitled "United Nations Games" as proposed by Turkmenistan and India (click here to see the text of the resolution). The resolution, presented under agenda item 11, "Sport for development and peace: promoting peace and building a more peaceful planet through sport and the Olympic ideal," serves to solidify the role of sport in fostering international cooperation and understanding.

Turkmenistan's Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Aksoltan Ataeva, introduced the resolution, emphasizing its significance in advancing the concept of sports diplomacy, a cornerstone of Turkmenistan's foreign policy. The successful inaugural United Nations Games, held in April 2024, showcased the power of sports in breaking down barriers, promoting multilateral dialogue, and fostering tolerance.

The resolution outlines plans for annual United Nations Games, establishing an Organizing Committee and a Trust Fund to facilitate preparations for the next edition, scheduled for April 2025. The document was crafted through extensive consultations with UN member states, ensuring that it reflected a broad consensus of views.

With the co-sponsorship of 87 countries, the adoption of this resolution marks a significant milestone in the UN's efforts to leverage sports as a tool for diplomacy and development. The United Nations Games are poised to become an annual tradition, bringing together diplomats, UN staff, and athletes from around the world in a spirit of friendship and cooperation.

Turkmenistan applauds the UN General Assembly for its unanimous adoption of this resolution. We believe that the Games will serve as a powerful platform for promoting peace, understanding, and cooperation among nations.

Co-Sponsors of the United Nations Games resolution

  1. Albania
  2. Angola
  3. Armenia
  4. Bahrain
  5. Bangladesh
  6. Belarus
  7. Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
  8. Brunei Darussalam
  9. Burundi
  10. Cabo Verde
  11. Cambodia
  12. Central African Republic
  13. China
  14. Colombia
  15. Comoros
  16. Congo
  17. Cuba
  18. Cyprus
  19. Djibouti
  20. Dominica
  21. Dominican Republic
  22. DR Congo
  23. Egypt
  24. El Salvador
  25. Equatorial Guinea
  26. Gabon
  27. Georgia
  28. Germany
  29. Guatemala
  30. Guinea-Bissau
  31. Guyana
  32. Hungary
  33. India
  34. Indonesia
  35. Iraq
  36. Jordan
  37. Kazakhstan
  38. Kenya
  39. Kyrgyzstan
  40. Lao PDR
  41. Latvia
  42. Liberia
  43. Libya
  44. Malaysia
  45. Mali
  46. Mauritania
  47. Montenegro
  48. Morocco
  49. Myanmar
  50. Namibia
  51. Nepal
  52. Nicaragua
  53. Nigeria
  54. Oman
  55. Pakistan
  56. Peru
  57. Philippines
  58. Portugal
  59. Qatar
  60. Republic of Moldova
  61. Russian Federation
  62. Rwanda
  63. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  64. Senegal
  65. Serbia
  66. Seychelles
  67. Singapore
  68. Slovenia
  69. Solomon Islands
  70. South Sudan
  71. Sri Lanka
  72. Sudan
  73. Suriname
  74. Syrian Arab Republic
  75. Tajikistan
  76. Timor-Leste
  77. Tunisia
  78. Türkiye
  79. Turkmenistan
  80. Tuvalu
  81. Uganda
  82. UR of Tanzania
  83. Uzbekistan
  84. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
  85. Viet Nam
  86. Zambia
  87. Zimbabwe



by H.E. Mrs. Aksoltan Ataeva, Permanent Representative of Turkmenistan to the United Nations during the introduction of the General Assembly draft resolution entitled “United Nations Games”

(6 September 2024)


Mr. President,


Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen,

It is my honour, on behalf of the main sponsors, Turkmenistan and India, to introduce the draft resolution contained in document A/78/L.107.

I would like to convey our gratitude to all delegations for their active participation and valuable contributions during the negotiations.

During the informal consultations, we consistently worked to foster a positive atmosphere and achieve a widespread consensus.

Mr. President,

I would start with brief explanation of the main purpose of this draft resolution by referring to the remark of the United Nations Secretary-General Mr. António Guterres during the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, and
I quote “Sport is one of the great human pursuits – a model of teamwork, a platform for individual excellence, a driver of economic growth and sustainability for all of society”.

The draft resolution before us aims to establish a lasting platform for sports diplomacy, one of the main priorities of Turkmenistan’s foreign policy. This document builds upon the resounding success and positive impact of the inaugural United Nations Games, held in April this year within the framework of the General Assembly Sustainability Week in New York.

Initiated by Turkmenistan, I am happy to inform that the first United Nations Games embodied the spirit of friendship, trust, well-being, and cooperation among diplomats who participated, many of them are present in this very hall today, and, what is significant here was our family members also joined us during our sports journey.

United Nations Games have proven to be a powerful force for unity in these troubled times, promoting trust and understanding among the diverse members of our global community. These Games have demonstrated the transformative power of sport in fostering dialogue, breaking down barriers, and promoting peace.

Mr. President,

The United Nations Games align perfectly with the Olympic ideals of excellence and friendship. These values, enshrined in the Olympic Charter, serve as a guiding light for all of us in upholding the values of fair play and respect.

We believe that the United Nations Games will serve as a permanent platform for showcasing the rich cultural diversity of our world, celebrating the unique traditions and customs associated with sports from different countries.

Dear Colleagues,

By supporting this resolution, your countries reaffirm our shared efforts to use the great power of sport in building bridges of coexistence, promoting healthy lifestyles, and achieving sustainable and inclusive development.

Taking this momentum, we invite all delegations to be prepared for the Second United Nations Games in April 2025 to foster diplomatic links and collaboration among Permanent Missions and the United Nations agencies and cultivate a spirit of tolerance and understanding, creating a more positive, healthy and productive environment in New York headquarters.

Mr. President,

In conclusion, we express our gratitude to the delegations that co-sponsored this resolution and look forward to seeing additional sponsors, as well as your support for the adoption of this draft by consensus.

Thank you for your attention.

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