Smart Arkadag city is internationally recognized for promoting SDG 11 and New Urban Agenda

Arkadag City inaugurated on 29 June, has been internationally recognized for its remarkable efforts in sustainable urbanization. The city's commitment to creating a livable, environmentally friendly, and socially inclusive urban environment has garnered global attention and accolades.

During the opening of the city of national importance, with the participation of the head of state and numerous foreign guests, a solemn meeting was held in the Ruhyet Palace. A ceremony of presenting international certificates was held here, confirming the achievements of the city of Arkadag in various fields.

Among them:

– The Certificate of Appreciation of ECO to “Arkadag City” on account of modern urban development with optimized technologies, functions and resources that introduce an improved structure for elevating the quality of life;

– The Special Certificate entitled “The City of XXI century” of the International Organization of Turkic Culture, TURKSOY;

– The Certificate – The First Smart City of the Turkic World by the Organization of Turkic States (OTS);

– The Diploma of the “International Assembly of Capitals and Metropolises of the CIS” Association for the integrated implementation of the «Smart City» concept in the construction of Arkadag City;

– A special urban planning award of the Turkic world to the city of Arkadag from the Union of Engineers and Architects of the Turkic World;

– The Certificate of Appreciation to the Arkadag City for contributions to the creation of a smart city by leveraging digital technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) aiming at promoting inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;

– The Certificate of Appreciation of UNEP to the Arkadag city in acknowledgement and appreciation of the efforts made towards implementing the principles of inclusive, safe, resilient, and smart sustainable neighbourhoods and communities, thereby contributing to localizing Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda;

– The Certificate of Appreciation of ESCAP to Arkadag City for its partnership with ESCAP towards the creation of an inclusive, safe, resilient, smart, and sustainable city, and the localization of the Sustainable Development Goals and the implementation of the New Urban Agenda;

– The Congratulation Letter issued to Arkadag city on the successful implementation of the new digital education system which will contribute to the digital economy and sustainable development of Turkmenistan;

– The Congratulation Letter issued to Arkadag city on the successful Implementation of the Innovative Digital Education System that will bring new Opportunities and a Creative Environment for the Young generation and contribute to the Digital Economy and Sustainable Development of Turkmenistan, Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization;

– The Congratulation Letter for the successful Implementation of the New Digital Education system;

– The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) – Green, Smart City Certificate to the Arkadag city;

– The Letter of Appreciation of UN-Habitat issued to Arkadag city in acknowledgement and appreciation of the efforts made towards implementing the principles of inclusive, safe, resilient and smart sustainable neighbourhoods and communities, thereby contributing to localizing Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda in Turkmenistan;

– The Diploma on Innovative Architecture of the Arkadag City issued by the International Association of Unions of Architects;

– The Quality Certificate upon the performed scientific and survey work on seismic micro zoning and seismic safety of the territory of the city of Arkadag from the Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology named after A. Nazarov of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia;

– The Certificate of Compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals and international requirements for ecological construction by the results of an independent scientific and technical study from the Central Research and Design Institute of the Ministry of Construction and Housing-Communal Services of the Russian Federation;

 – The California Proclamation for recognition of 29 June 2023 as “Arkadag City Dedication Day” in the City of El Cajon;

– The Lincoln University Proclamation for recognition of 29 June 2023 as “Arkadag City Dedication Day” at Lincoln University;

– Guinness World Records Certificate – the largest open lesson on gardening with the participation of 539 people;

– The Cooperation for Transparency and Quality in Healthcare Certificate to the Arkadag City Multidisciplinary Hospital;

– The Foremost Technology Clinic in the region equipped with “Phillips” Qualification to the Arkadag City Multidisciplinary Hospital.


Arkadag City's sustainable urbanization initiatives encompass a range of areas, including urban planning, infrastructure development, green spaces, renewable energy, and social welfare programs. These efforts have significantly contributed to the city's overall sustainability and enhanced the quality of life for its residents.

The city's urban planning strategies have prioritized smart growth, compact design, and efficient land use. By promoting mixed-use developments, reducing urban sprawl, and encouraging public transportation, Arkadag City has successfully created a more sustainable and accessible urban fabric.

Furthermore, the implementation of innovative infrastructure projects has played a crucial role in Arkadag City's sustainable urbanization journey. The city has invested in renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to reduce its carbon footprint and promote clean energy consumption. Also, establishing efficient waste management systems has contributed to a cleaner and healthier urban environment.

One of the key highlights of Arkadag City's sustainable urbanization efforts is its emphasis on green spaces and biodiversity conservation. The city has dedicated substantial areas for parks, gardens, and green corridors, providing residents with recreational spaces and promoting a closer connection with nature. These green initiatives enhance the urban landscape and contribute to climate resilience and ecological preservation.

The social welfare programs implemented by Arkadag City demonstrate a commitment to inclusivity and improving the quality of life for all residents. Access to education, healthcare, affordable housing, and cultural amenities are prioritized to ensure the well-being and happiness of the city's inhabitants.

The international recognition of Arkadag City for its sustainable urbanization efforts is a testament to the vision and dedication of Turkmenistan's leaders, urban planners, and residents. It showcases the positive impact of strategic planning and sustainable practices on creating vibrant, resilient, and environmentally conscious cities.

As Arkadag City continues its sustainable urbanization journey, it aims to inspire and collaborate with other cities around the world to achieve a more sustainable future for all.

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