Investment in Regional Stability: Grand Opening of Large-Scale Energy, Transport, and Communication Infrastructure on the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan Border


Today, historic events unfolded on the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan border, demonstrating the tangible results of Turkmenistan's policy of permanent neutrality.

Large-scale energy, transport, and communication infrastructure projects were commenced and inaugurated, in particular the opening of a 177-meter railway bridge on the Serhetabat-Turgundi rail highway on the Turkmen-Afghan border, the laying of the foundation of the Shatlyk-1 gas compressor station in Mary velayat, the start of construction of the Serhetabat-Herat section of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) transnational gas pipeline project, and the Serhetabat-Herat fiber-optic communication line, known as “Arkadagyň Ak ýoly.” Additionally, work commenced on the construction of a warehouse complex in the “dry port” of the Turgundi railway station and the Turgundi-Sanabar section of the Turgundi-Herat railway. Furthermore, the Nur-el-Jahad power plant located in the Afghan province of Herat was commissioned as part of the implementation of the first stage of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan (TAP) power transmission line project.

The ceremonies were attended by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan (Turkmen: Halk Maslahaty) Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov (read the full text of the speech), and the Acting Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Afghanistan, Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund.

Opening and start of construction of new infrastructure facilities symbolize the centuries-old good-neighborly and fraternal relations between Turkmen and Afghan peoples. These relations are undergoing a positive transformation in the current era, significantly enriching their content.

Demonstrating a responsible and far-sighted approach to addressing critical issues on the global agenda, Turkmenistan is actively implements interregional connectivity projects, participating in common efforts aimed at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The creation of a modern architecture of energy security is an integral factor in this regard. The TAPI project, initiated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people is a vital contribution to its formation and meets the interests of the fraternal countries in the region.

The economic and social impact of these important infrastructure developments is crucial not only for Afghanistan and Turkmenistan but also for Central Asia and broader region, as they aim to enhance interconnectivity, foster economic development, and promote peace, regional and global stability.

This historic day will stand as a testament to Turkmenistan's enduring legacy as a neutral country. It marks a pivotal moment in the advancement of mutually beneficial interstate cooperation and a thriving regional and international partnership that serves the interests of global harmony, well-being, and sustainable development.

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