22 Feb

Information booklet dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia has been published

On the occasion of its fifteenth anniversary, the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) has published a brochure entitled “United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia: 15 years of engagement in the region”.     Subscribe * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name

6 Feb

Official Document of the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly: Outcome of the International Conference “Dialogue is a Guarantee of Peace”

Full text of the outcome document of the International Conference “Dialogue is a Guarantee of Peace”, held in Ashgabat on December 11, 2022 in the frames of the Ashgabat International Week, that was published in the six official languages of the UN (A/77/651) as an official document of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly under paragraph 14 Agenda “Culture of Peace”. General Assembly   Distr.: General 19 December 2022   Original: English   Seventy-seventh session Ag...

30 Jan

Outcome document of the Annual meeting of the Central Asia Women Leaders’ Caucus published as the United Nations document

The Outcome Document of the Annual meeting of the Central Asia Women Leaders’ Caucus, which was held in Ashgabat on December 10, 2022, was published in the six official languages of the UN (А/77/698) as an official document of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly under agenda items 18 "Sustainable Development", 26 "Improvement of the Status of Women" and 61 "Zone of Peace, Trust and Cooperation in Central Asia". General Assembly Distr.: General 15 January 2023 Original: English...

18 Jan

Draft Roadmap for the International Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace

Explanatory note Opening event to launch the International Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace, 2023 (27 January 2023)   In order to implement the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 77/32 of December 6, 2022, which proclaimed 2023 as the International Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace, it is planned to hold special events aimed at mobilizing the international community to develop a culture of peace and dialogue in relations between states, strengthen political...

6 Dec

At the initiative of Turkmenistan, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 2023 the Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace

On December 6, 2022, the 45th plenary meeting of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly was held. During the meeting, the General Assembly considered the draft resolution "International Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace, 2023", submitted by Turkmenistan under agenda item 14 "Culture of Peace". Presenting the draft resolution, the Turkmen delegation stressed that the President of Turkmenistan for the first time put forward the global initiative "Dialogue is a guarantee of peace" in...

31 Aug

Priority Positions of Turkmenistan for the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly

Preamble Turkmenistan regards the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly as an important stage in the consistent consolidation of international efforts to address key issues on the global agenda, reaffirm the pivotal and coordinating role of the United Nations in preserving and strengthening universal peace, stability and security, and fully implement the declared Sustainable Development Goals. In its activities during the upcoming session of the General Assembly, Turkmenistan...